I’m 28 weeks pregnant and happy to say Ben’s toddler room is DONE! I wanted to do some fun updates to this room before our baby girl arrives in September, and I’m thrilled that it turned out just how I hoped it would! As you can see in the before picture below, it was very 90’s and just hadn’t seen any love in a long time. I knew it had amazing potential so I got to work.

This room had a few really fun DIYs! Installing the shiplap wall was the biggest game changer. I was going to leave it white, but last minute I decided to paint it Irony by Clare Paint which is the perfect moody grey with a slight hint of blue. It’s probably my new favorite color, and it just goes to show that taking chances PAYS OFF!

Another DIY project I did in this room was the closet door makeover. I took the original doors and gave them a facelift by adding 1/5″ thick plywood and painting them to match the shiplap. They look like TOTALLY new doors! It’s a cheap and pretty easy way to upgrade builder grade to custom! I was honestly shocked how much the closet door makeover changed the entire room!

Speaking of the closet, I also snagged this closet system from Home Depot and gave the interior of the closet a makeover. The closet went from yellow and non-functional to light and bright and super functional! I am really excited to have drawers tucked away and a place to hang Ben’s clothes. I was able to install it in about 4 days total! It did arrive with two cracked boards, but the closet system company had great customer service and sent me replacement pieces right away. I love how it turned out!

I also made a DIY growth ruler to track Ben’s height!
It’s been so fun to see this room come together. I hope you’ve gotten to learn a few tricks and are inspired to try one of these projects in your own home.
DIYs in this room:

Very similar.
Liz, What did you use to surround the shiplap on sides and at the top? Looks like a piece of trim or something? It looks beautiful!
I used quarter round trim!