Fixer Upper Cheat Sheet
Let me guess – you’re here for a Fixer Upper Cheat Sheet or at least some advice, right?
Let me begin with a story. A story of a boy and a girl who fell in love, got married, and began to hunt for their dream home. As they searched high and low, they just couldn’t find what they wanted for the right price. Either the yard was too small, the layout was too funky, the finishes were all wrong.. you get the idea! No house felt right for them.
Said boy and girl had NO intentions of buying a fixer upper. They thought they’d buy a home, get a puppy, have babies, and all would be well…
Then one day, a perfect little ranch style home on a corner lot, close to trails with views of the Flatirons & the Rocky Mountains popped up on the MLS. The price was right! The location was perfect! The size was just what they needed – not too big, and not too small. It was their own little goldilocks of a home.
The only issue was.. the inside was a dump. We’re talking a choppy floorpan, orange formica kitchen countertops, carpet you wouldn’t wanna walk barefoot on, popcorn ceilings, no lighting.. you get the picture. It was a complete gut. Exhibit A:

Love is blind, right?!
Spoiler alert: that young couple was my husband Ryan and I. We ended up putting in an offer on the home, and we even included a “heart letter” explaining to the seller why we wanted her house. The sweet seller was a widow who raised her family in this home – and even though there were four (!!!) other offers on the property, she chose US!!!
We had 30 days until we closed on the property to plan, plan, and plan some more. In hindsight, we were a bit crazy to take on a project of this size. I mean, we didn’t even have tools!!!
I’ll get to the point – If you’re here, then you’re probably thinking about getting a fixer upper, but aren’t quite sure where to begin. Well, neither were we. We went in blind. I don’t recommend it.
I created a fixer upper guide so you don’t have to go in blind we did. Read my four crucial steps for successfully renovating a fixer upper, and see a breakdown of our own fixer upper financials – including our investment and potential profit.
I created this cheat sheet so you can confidently begin renovating that dream home of yours with clarity on the process and control over your budget! Ultimately, these four steps will set you up for success and save you time.

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