What I Learned in the First Six Months of Marriage + Exciting News!!!

Happy Wednesday! One question that I seem to get all the time is, “How’s married life?” and for some reason I never know how to respond! TBH my initial reaction is to say, “OMG it’s the best thing ever and I love it!!!!”, start jumping up and down, and immediately whip out my phone in order to show them the 25 selfies Ryan and I took at dinner last night. Hehe. However, I don’t want to be obnoxious, so I typically just reply that it’s great!

Since Ryan and I have been married for about six months now, I thought it’d be fun to share with y’all what I’ve learned so far.

  1. It’s rewarding to put your spouse first. I 100% need to work on this, but at our wedding, our pastor stated how wonderful it would be if you woke up every morning and asked yourself, “what can I do to make sure Ryan has the best day today?” Whether it be cleaning the kitchen so they don’t have to, not talking their ear off so they can have ten minutes of silence, or letting them choose the movie on movie night, it’s a small gesture that can make a world of difference.
  2. Talking through your problems is better than screaming your face off at each other. I will be the first to admit that I can get extremely emotional and stubborn (especially when I’m tired). When working through a tiff, I find I’m much more level headed if I get some fresh air or go for a run. 
  3. On that note, communication is key. Whether it be about small things (what you’re doing next weekend, what time you’re getting home from work, how you need to unwind at the end of a long day, etc.) or big things (how you’re feeling about your financial situation, where you want to live, where you’re spending Christmas, etc.) talking it out and actually listening to one another is extremely important
  4. Make time for one date night a week. I really do cherish those nights that we get to go out to dinner together, sit across the table from one another, enjoy a meal, and really talk to one another. With iPhone and TVs being a constant distraction, it’s refreshing to put down your phone and enjoy having a conversation with the person in front of you.
  5. Be SILLY with each other. It’s fun. ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Marriage takes work. You will have times when it’s just okay, and you will have times when it’s the most amazing thing ever. You’ll have times when you will hang on to every word your spouse says, and you’ll have times when you’d rather just watch Netflix. As of right now I’m simply trying to say a quick prayer for our marriage every day and love Ryan the way Jesus loves us!

top | scarf | jeans | booties

Thank you Cat Murphy Photography for these gorgeous photos.

Okay, I think six things for the first six months is plenty. We are definitely green to the whole “man & wife” deal, so I’d love to hear from y’all. What do you value in your marriage / relationship?

{side note: our wedding pics can be found here}

Soooo by now you’re probably wondering what our big announcement is. ๐Ÿ™‚

We are officially home owners!  

In early October, we closed on a serious fixer upper. Since then we have torn out the carpet, retextured the ceilings, torn off all the doors… basically we’ve gutted the place. We couldn’t pass up the location of this older home, and it’s become our after work-job / baby! I’m excited to see how we can make it our own!

Here’s a look at what remodeling a home is actually like…


On another note, if someone is looking to rent a one bedroom condo in Boulder, hit me up haha.

Thank y’all so much for reading and following along! Don’t forget to comment with your marriage advice below – would love to hear from y’all!

xoxo liz

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