Bold Winter Outfit + My 2019 Word of the Year

Hey friends! As 2018 comes to a close and all the Christmas decorations slowly make their way to the attic, we find ourselves yet again at the beginning of a New Year. I honestly feel like I BLINKED and 2018 was over!

This year has been full of joy for me. (marrying Ryan, buying a home, fixing up that home) It’s also been a year of learning & development for me. (learning how to do the whole fixer upper thing, planning a wedding, and learning time management of working, blogging, and life in general.)

Instead of making resolutions this year, I am choosing a word to live by instead.

For some reason, that makes more sense to me. I have definitely made “empty” resolutions (ie workout X times a week, etc.). Choosing a word to live by for an entire year seems like a tangible way to steer your life in the direction you want it to go.

My word of the year for 2019 is DELIGHT.

You might be wondering, “why delight?”

I have spent a lot of time letting other people’s words, actions, & attitudes affect my outlook on life in a negative way. Even though I have a great job, a solid family foundation, and a wonderful husband, I let other people’s harsh words get to me & bring me down.

Delight = great pleasure. I want to wake up each day delighting in the fact that I’m next to my husband; and that we both get to go to jobs that allow us to have a home and buy groceries.

I want to be…

Constantly joyful that I have two legs that allow me to run on my favorite running trails.

Continually gleeful that the Lord has given me friends, work, and hobbies to fill my days.

Always excited that I can talk to my family and get snapchats even though they are halfway across the country.

Constantly aware and in awe of the fact that the Lord has put me on this Earth, and he knows where I should be and what I should do each and every day.

sweater // skirt // boots // sunglasses // lipstick

Simply remembering the word “delight” every day can result in a mindset shift – instead of feeling guilty for not following through with a specific resolution. Even through the times when I’m struggling, feeling down, judged, or alone, I will choose to delight in the good of every situation.

Now who’s ready for 2019?!

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