4 Tips to Keep You Motivated to Workout + How to Stay Dry & Fresh

how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout
how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout

Hello and happy Monday! Today I wanted to share something that hits close to home this time of year – staying MOTIVATED to work out! I know that because the sun is still going down early and the temperature is still pretty chilly, it can be difficult to find that fitness motivation from within.

I’m particularly excited about this post because it’s something I work at every single day – staying motivated. I get a lot of DMs from y’all about fitness / working out. I honestly feel like the biggest battle with living a healthy lifestyle is finding the motivation from within. It can be hard to get my booty up off the couch & get moving. But trust me… if I can do it, I KNOW you can!!

Below I’m sharing 4 tips to help motivate you to workout. I’m also sharing a must have product that’s helped me stay dry and confident during and after my workouts!

how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout
how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout

1. Write down or make a mental note of how you feel before a workout vs. after.

I notice a huge mood improvement after even just a quick workout. I also feel more productive and happier. It doesn’t have to be a huge sweat fest either… try simply going for a walk during your lunch break or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. There are days when I’m sitting at my desk feeling exhausted or unmotivated, but when noon hits I force myself to get up and change into my workout gear. Almost every time, I feel a million times better after making that decision.

how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout

2. Find something or someone that will hold you accountable. 

Are you trying to get into running? Sign up for a race so there’s a tangible deadline! Do you want to go to Orange Theory 3 times a week? Tell your instructor and classmates so they can encourage you to show up. This season I’ve been testing out Kayla Itsine’s BBG workout on the Sweat app (FYI – I love it.) I feel responsible for doing the workouts because I don’t want to fall behind on my calendar. Maybe for you it’s simple telling your best friend that you want to walk one mile every day. We should never underestimate the helpfulness of a support system.

how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout

3. Invest in the workout gear you need to succeed.

I don’t know about y’all, but I feel so much more excited to workout when I have the right gear to get the job done. Whether it’s a cute tank, the perfect scrunchie, new headphones, or the right deodorant, I’m always more excited to dive into the workout when I know my gear works flawlessly. If you’re on the go a lot, I’d recommend Secret Freshies – it’s compact enough to slip in your workout bag or purse and is super discrete. I feel so much more confident knowing that I can slip this deodorant on before a work and actually stay dry!

how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout
how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout

4. Find your “why”

Why do you want to workout in the first place? Do you want to look a certain way? Feel a certain way? Is there a cute boy at the gym that you’re trying to say hi to? (LOL) Do you want to check that triathlon off your bucket list? Whatever it is, knowing your reasoning behind the task is 100% helpful. Personally, I know that I have a lot more energy on a day-to-day basis if I workout consistently, and that’s one main reason I prioritize my workouts.

how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout
how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout
how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout
how to stay motivated to work out + how to stay dry and fresh though out your workout

sports bra (sold out) // similar leggings // sneakers // bag // deodorant

Maybe you’re slipping a bit on a New Year’s resolution you made and just need the extra push to get back on track and follow through. If that’s the case, I hope these tips helped you reevaluate the mentality behind your workout!

Thanks so much for reading!

xoxo liz

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